What is Dark Web? Is it Legal or Ilegal...πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

⚡πŸ’£Dark WebπŸ’£⚡

Hi Guys! Today in this post I am going to tell you about Dark Web and will also let you know whether it's Legal or Illegal.
Might be some of your friends would have told you that if you visit Dark Web then in fraction of seconds Local Police will arrest you or might be some other similar stories, but it's not true.

About Dark Web

Guys Internet is divided into 3 parts:
  • Surface Web (which is approx. 4% of Entire Internet and commonly used by us)
  • Deep Web (non-indexed sites used by Banks, Army, etc)
  • Dark Web (about which we are going to talk)
So Guys! Actually Dark Web is sub-category of Deep Web. In Deep Web, the links are non-indexed but can be accessed on Normal Browser (like: Chrome, Fire Fox, Safari, etc) once you get that link. But in Dark Web those sites can't be accessed on these Normal Browser. We have a different browser to access those sites, named as Tor.

How Does Tor Work?

Tor has a huge number of VPNs, which helps in hiding the IP (identity) of the user. We normally use at most 1 VPN at a time to access Torrent or Banned Sites, but we can be tracked, because we are taking information from that VPN and that VPN is taking information from Source which is a type of Fixed Pattern Network.
Tor Cross Network (each Onion is a VPN)
But in Tor, a large number of VPNs work for exchange of information between User and Source. Here one VPN randomly points to other VPN and so on... and it's not easy to track that pattern. Hence, it becomes difficult to track requesting user. That's why Tor Browser is used for accessing Dark Web.

What types of Contents are Served on Dark Web?

More than the things that you can imagine are Served here. All legal as well as illegal works are done here. Well, more than 90% browsing done here are for illegal work like: Movie Piracy, Drug and illegal Weapon Dealing, Human Trafficking, etc.

Is it Safe to surf on Dark Web?

First of all you should know about .Onion (it is similar to .com, .org, .net, etc), can only be accessed by Tor Browser. Second, you should know that everything on Tor is anonymous. Unlike Normal Browsers, Tor just provides access to Dark Web not any browsing safety. So, one has to pay attention while accessing some site, specially .Onion, because you can be hacked unknowingly. So if you pay attention then it's safe else it's not.
Knowledge Booster:- Facebook is also having .Onion domain on Dark Web, but it's adviced not to access your account via that domain because you can be monitored by hackers. Facebook Dark Web Domain is:- facebookcorewwwi.onion (you can read more about this here).

Is it Legal or Illegal?

Dark Web is Legal and Tor is also Legal, even Tor is sponsored by Google, US Government and many more... But the kind of works done on Dark Web are Illegal because those sites can't be shutdown as they are locally available on computer and are made globally accessible using .Onion, so hackers also use Dark Web.
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